Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just Be Yourself...

I've been looking around school and in my neighborhood and I seen alot of so called "thugs" and was wondering, What makes them wanna be a thug? I came to the conclusion that no one has a tru definition of a "thug" because media made it. this might take a while but I'm gonna explain it as short as possible.

first, the only reason they were even trying to do it is because of all the ladies they think thier gonna get. When you watch TV you see someone like lil Wayne on bet talking about how he has so many "hoes", that started it all because the girls started to except that look as what they were looking for, which made them put a lower price on their on value by doing that. in the process of doing that all the good guys started to see the same thing on TV. the saw how many girls he got so from that point on they started to view woman as a object not a person. then when they started to talk to other girls they noticed how girls really loved that look and the only reason they were into it because the other girls started to see how their friends liked that "thug" look, so they thought if that's whats in now then I'm with it. Now since the guys know what the girls want to get who they want. They learned how to play the game and score at the same time. Now you see guys with there pants at half mass walking around holding them up because they want what he has on TV knowing that chance is little.

Next, another reason is that they want the money because what they see makes it seem like if you get money the all your problems will be solved. with songs like "I Get Money" and "Got Money" you can tell that theres only one thing on their mind. So guys listen to lyrics like "I got eight chains, I wear so much ice they yell skate Wayne", and it replayed in their head to the point wear they forgot about the real reason they went to school, now their just going for a fashion show. It effected the ladies to because when they seen it, that's what they started to expect it out of the guys they were with. So this made it even harder for the guys because now they have to do even more to get the girl. In the middle of all this they have to remember not to be their selves and that's bad. That's why you have high school girls walking around saying " if he ain't got bank, they he can't have this". Not even knowing that guys don't want to have a long relationship with a girl they can pay for. Now girls are still looking for love but guys are looking for a nut and that causes alot of confusion.
Last, the main reason behind all of it is beause they wanna fit in with the "crew". It used to be ok for guys to do certain things in public, but now they are very limited. Most of them thugs grew up with a single mother and she was gone most of the time, so to fill that void they looked to the streetz. when moms wasn't home his homies was always on time so when mom got home they didn't really understand each other because he charished the relationship with his boys mor than his mother. young and still yerning for that male role model they look on TV to find him. It's come accustomed to them so much that they try to do what they see in real life. he smokes weed, pop pills and drinks liquior regularly becaeuse he feels like thats what he has to do to survive in this world. they start to lose that happiness they used to have when they were just being them selves and they walk around like "f the world and let em die". You can't even speak to them without them getting smart or trying to make you look less of a man not knowing that they have the meaning of man all wrong. they talk about "gunplay" and how many guns they have to boost their hood status, so thier homies won't find any weakness in them. they get a few tatoos and a dreads, so now thier "G's and Gangsta's and well respected because thier potraying an image thats not even real itself. So you tell me what would you choose, be someone else and get the world or be yourself and be free.


  1. I actually read in an article the other day that the whole "baggy pants" deal came from prisoners who had no belts to hold up their pants, so they had to resort to letting them sag... Either way, it's disgraceful.

    On an unrelated note: I might potentially be discovered, so I changed to address of my granny chronicles. Same posts and layouts, different URL:

    You have to re-subscribe. Sorry about the inconvenience! I'm gonna comment on your Darwin post tomorrow :o)

  2. Yes, I remember that article... The debate continues -- stigmatic or honorific? All of it depends on which side you're on.
